Capacity Building

Ensuring a conceptual approach to social or personal development

In communities Capacity building (CCB) also referred to as capacity development, is a conceptual approach to social or personal development that focuses on understanding the obstacles that inhibit people , organisations from realizing their development goals.

Financial Intermediation

Channelling of funds between lenders and borrowers indirectly

Is a productive activity in which an institution unit incurs liabilities on its own account for the purpose of acquiring financial assets by engaging in financial transactions of the market; the role of financial intermediaries is to channel funds from lenders to borrowers by intermediating.

Marketing and Promotion

Raise awareness about SACCOs and increase its appeal

Promotion is essentially raising customer awareness of a product or brand, generating sales, and creating brand loyalty. It is one of the four basic elements of marketing in the marketing mix which includes the four Ps: price, product promotion and place.

Administration Support

Direct, monitor, supervise, coordinate and help SACCOS

DAMACREST basically provide administration support to Members of how in their operations. This however is broad as it encompasses a lot of things; it can be to direct, monitor, supervise, coordinate and help in being organised.

About Us


DAMACREST basically provide administration support to Members of how in their operations. This however is broad as it encompasses a lot of things; it can be to direct, monitor, supervise, coordinate and help in being organised.

DAMACREST SACCO LTD is a registered Savings and Credit Co-operative Society whose main objective is to mobilize savings from members and in return provide credit facilities . Other objectives of the SACCO are to encourage thrift among its members by educating the members the advantages of developing a savings behavior, through proper investment best practices aimed at improving the social and economic conditions of the members. This is achieved by offering the members complementary savings schemes, credit facilities and other financial products as may be required by the members from time to time.


To improve the standard of living and increase the value of members through provisional of high quality micro finance products using modern technology.


To be an Ideal SACCO in Kenya, providing competitive and sustainable financial solutions to customers.

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